About BBA
BBA Solar (Poland) is dedicated to supporting the Polish photovoltaic market through strategic, development & construction advice and services alongside potential investors in the sector. Specific focus and experience includes M&A, strategy, all development phases, grid and all aspects of Due Diligence as well as construction, supervision and O&M. Based between Gdansk and London BBA Solar (Poland) is active across the whole development project life-cycle.
Polish photovoltaic market
The Polish photovoltaic market emerging out of a heavily coal dependent economy, and some years of distress within the Polish renewable space, is an incredibly exciting place to be showing the following characteristics:
1. Huge growth potential to solve critical issues
- Ample location options, a key part of the diversified Polish future Energy mix;
- Solving for critical capacity, fuel mix & structural needs of the Polish power system to avoid reserve power shortages during summer peaks;
- 20GW PEP 2040 strategic projection for Polish PV by 2040.
2. Strong Regulation
- CFD Auction Mechanism tried and tested;
- Approaching 1GW of auctioned capacity to date.
3. Significant Pipeline Available
- 2.5GW Target Pipeline of projects RTB/Mid-Late Development & Early Development mapped by BBA Solar
BBA offers to potential investors local development expertise and track record. 40 versatile technical and commercial team of professionals, who have collectively opened, developed and construct over 500 MW of renewable energy projects in Poland. We are able to manage all phases of the solar development cycle.
PV as dominant renewable technology going forward in Poland
- Due to the need of decarbonisation, the installed RES capacity is expected to grow rapidly with PV preferred to onshore wind for regulatory / geo-political reasons.
- In order to meet the targets, Poland plans to increase the share of RES in the energy consumption to 23% by 2030. This goal is expected to be further increased soon by the Polish Government following European Commission declarations of increasing the EU RES target to 45%-50%.
- PSE grid connection development plans are in-line with Intrastat and Aurora’s forecast and assume a total installed wind (onshore and offshore) and solar capacity of ca. 45 GW by 2030 (and 50% consumption covered by RES).
- State power utilities planning PV growth to be the most significant aspect of their onshore renewable growth strategies.
Significant grid development plan
- PSE plans extensive investments in the power grid by 2032, with HVDC, a power line with transmission capacity of 4 GW and length of 600 km being their focal point
- Polish transmission system operator expects 50% of Poland’s net electricity demand to be covered by renewable energy by 2030 (more than 100 TWh)
- Hence, PSE is doubling the planned average annual capex in comparison to 2016-2021 – up to PLN 36bn capex by 2036
- PSE estimates the total capital expenditure for HVDC at the level of approximately PLN 10bn
- The investments in grid are also covered by the REPowerEU plan that includes EUR 800m budget
- PSE's investment plans include the construction and upgrade of more than 8 800 kilometres of HVDC, 400kV and 220kV lines
Leading regional PPA market amid extended CfD auctions until 2027
- The European PPA market grew by 92% in 2021 compared to the previous year (6.9 GW vs. 3.6 GW new contracted volumes). The cumulative volume of all signed PPAs amounted to 18.6 GW at the end of 2021. The total contracted PPAs in Polish market amounted to 420 MW
- cPPA activity taking pace with traders, utilities and C&I(2) off takers underpinning new financing and re-financing
- CfD mechanism extended to 2027 allows optimizing the contracted volume versus merchant / PPA – leading to returns outperformance within bankability parameters
- Short / medium & long term offtake / hedges available / tendered with global players running huge tenders, including for EUR offtake
- A number of projects have already been funded based on pure PPA revenue assumption, without any state support
Liquid financing market
- Liquid project finance market & lender universe with PLN 8.1bn of project finance for ca. 2.2 GW of PV and wind since 2020. Visible increased activity for EUR financings
- Multiple financial instruments available on the Polish market to finance development and construction of green projects